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  • About ERSAF


ERSAF - Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry – as an operating entity of the Lombardy Region carries out technical and promotional activities for the development and innovation of the agricultural and forestry sectors and for the rural territory, favoring transversality, multifunctionality and integration.

Main areas of action
ERSAF’s areas of action concern:

• Support to the regional government for the development and implementation of agricultural, land planning, and non-renewable resources conservation policies

• Support to the development of strategic agricultural and food supply chains in order to enhance companies competitiveness and the promotion of Lombardy agri-food products, also in relation to their quality and safety and consumer protection control system;

• Support to local governments in promoting development strategies capable of endorsing local resources together with innovative capabilities and skills;

• Protection of the agro-forestry and wildlife heritage of the Lombardy Region, management of the woodland heritage, nature reserves and biodiversity, also through the support of the Regional Plant nursery;

• Applied research and innovation in collaboration with specialized Universities (fields); 

• Technical- scientific support and advice on the main issues related to the development of the mountain territory and the improvement of governance practices in the mountain area; 

• Promotion of a multifunctional use of rural areas and environmental redevelopment through production diversification, enhancement of non-food agri-forestry products, the requalification of spaces;  

• Support to the activities of the Phytosanitary Service of Lombardy Region.

Who is ERSAF working with
ERSAF inherently partners with several other institutions and agencies, starting with local government: municipalities, provinces, “Mountain Communities”. It also works with consortiums, parks, farmers and breeders associations, Chambers of Commerce, tour operators, hut managers.  Last but not least with environmental, hiking, sports and leisure associations. The world of culture, Universities and Research. 

ERSAF Offices
The head office is in Milan but there are numerous local headquarter and offices.

Head office Contacts
Via Pola, 12 - 20124 Milano (Italy) 
phone (+39)02.67404.1 fax (+39)02.67404.299
E-mail:  P.E.C.


last update 26.10.2022

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